Thank you for reaching out to The Arbitration Center.
While we know this process can be difficult, please be informed that any information you have to submit, please ensure it is submitted in a timely manner.
Cost: $150-400
To initiate arbitration, you’ll need to cover the filing and administrative fees. You can also resubmit a declined case to correct whatever deficiency caused it to be kicked back. You’ll be hit with another filing fee each time, though. Ultimately, the party responsible for the case must pay the administrative and filing fees.
Cost: $150
You’ll be hit with a $150 fee if you withdraw your case before a ruling is issued. You will also be responsible for covering the filing and administrative fees.
Cost: $100
An additional $100 fee may be issued to any party violating the dispute processing rules. Even if you win the arbitration case, if you break one of the rules, you can still get hit with a technical fee.
To get started with PreAribtration, please email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please supply all information available in order to streamline your case. Please include your case number or any other identifying information so we can keep with your file.